Saturday, May 25, 2013

Kangen Water Truth behind bottled water

Truth behind bottled water

Americans will spend an estimated $9.8 billion on bottled water this year1. This will create 4 billion pounds of trash, which will cost our communities $70 million to clean up. Bottled water is not safer, better tasting or more convenient than tap. So why do Americans keep reaching for more and more bottled water?

Bottled water is inaccurately perceived as the healthiest water choice. We have images of clean mountain streams and bubbling springs of pure water, but the reality is that a lot of bottled water is derived from municipal water.2

The purification process removes everything from bottled water not just pollutants, leaving the water void of any nutrients and benefits that are naturally in pure water. The purified water is then placed into a plastic bottle, which may leach contaminants into your drink. The production of bottled water required approximately 1 million tons of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics in 20063. PET are petroleum-derived plastics that have been suspected of leaching hormone-disrupting chemicals into the water.4

Ounce for ounce bottled water costs more than gasoline and anywhere from 250 to 10,000 times more than tap water.

You may try to save money by having large jugs filled or delivered to your home, but beware of bacterial infection. Bacteria grow best in warm, moist places and the threaded bottle cap is often a perfect place to hide. If ingested, bacteria can cause many gastrointestinal health risks.

Is Tap Water Better?

Tap water is certainly cheaper and more convenient than buying bottled water. The main concern with tap water is the mystery of what may have trickled down the water chain and into your city's water source. There have been 315 pollutants found in America's tap water since 2004, and over half of these pollutants are completely unregulated and can legally exist in any amount.5

Are There Any Other Options?

You can trust Enagic's superior filtration to remove impurities, chemicals and residues found in municipal water. Enagic's alkaline, ionizer unit is as convenient as tap because it connects directly to your faucet and provides a continuous stream of pure, clean, Kangen Water®.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Kangen Water Prevents Dehydration.

 Pre-Hydration Prevents Dehydration

You lose water through your breath, sweat, and urine throughout the day. Sweating is the body's natural cooling mechanism, but when you fail to replace the water lost through sweating, your body cannot perform at optimal level. This is why it is important to be acutely attentive to your water intake levels while in the sun or exercising.

While it is common knowledge that you should hydrate during rigorous exercise, there is little known about staying hydrated during your day-to-day tasks. Don't underestimate the possibility of becoming dehydrated while working, taking care of the kids and running errands. Even though you may not see the signs of losing water, your body must have the recommend amounts of water per day to stay hydrated.

Dehydration occurs over time, so the best solution is to drink plenty of good, clean water throughout your day.

Learn the Signs of Dehydration

It is important to know the early warning signs of dehydration so you can stay ahead of this serious problem. Research and learn them to you can detect dehydration in yourself, your friends and your family. Thirst is not considered an early warning sign. If you are feeling thirsty, you may already be dehydrated.

It is best to know how much water your body needs on a daily basis and try to always meet or exceed that amount.

How to Pre-Hydrate

Only water can keep you properly hydrated and allow your body to function at an optimal level. The key is to find clean, hydrating Kangen Water®.

When you choose to hydrate using bottled water, you may be adding extra fluids but you will be missing out on many natural minerals and nutrients that are often lost in the purification process of bottled water.

Tap water is a better choice than bottled because the natural minerals and nutrients remain intact, but this is often accompanied by substances that seep into ground water and can be absorbed into tap water.

You can trust Enagic's unique filtering process to provide clean, natural water, which removes chlorine, and other pollutants. We tend to drink more water if it is readily available. Keep a glass or reusable container full of Kangen Water® near your desk and you'll find yourself absent-mindedly drinking it throughout the day. Kangen Water® tastes clean and pure, making it easy to stay hydrated all day long.

For more great information go to

Friday, May 17, 2013

Kangen Water Change Your Water Change Your Life.

Change your WATER; Change your LIFE!
By Dr Les Sandles

We can, and indeed should, all get very excited about the benefits of an alkaline lifestyle, but the single biggest challenge comes when we start incorporating the discipline to only eat alkalizing foods into our busy lives. And, it is very quickly apparent that a truly alkaline lifestyle is basically not much of a life at all….

…UNLESS…you take the powerful step of only drinking ALKALINE WATER

Modern technology, developed in Russia then mastered by the Japanese, ionized alkaline water has proven itself to be an invaluable aid in the pursuit of long term health and vitality, and anti-aging. In fact, alkaline, ionised water is now considered an integral part of health management in Japan.

In our modern world, consuming alkaline water has to be front and centre in developing an enjoyable, socially manageable, healthy alkaline lifestyle. Quite simply, swapping to alkaline water underpins your healthy lifestyle while preserving those elements of your life that make it fun.

In fact, the simple act of switching from tap and/or bottled water to alkaline water is a gift to your body in itself - by neutralising a huge quantity of metabolic acids, alkaline water relieves your body of inflammation which, in turn, enhances immmune competence, releases energy and improves health and vitality. It achieves this because of the QUANTITY of water consumed each day compared to any other dietary component.

Let’s look at it this way…

If I eat a 100g apple, 85% of what I eat is water, and only the remaining 15% - the solids - will impact my acid-alkaline balance. The sugars will ensure that apple will create a slightly negative influence on the acid-alkaline balance of the body.

If I eat a 100g of beef, I am eating about twice the "food" since meat contains about 30% solids and 70% water. Quantitatively then, the minimum acidogenic affect (acidifying influence) of my steak has to be at least twice that of the apple. Meat is also much richer in minerals than the apple and the sulphur content ensures its acidogenic affect is many-fold greater than the apple.

Then I tackle desert! Let's say I have four 25 g chocolate biscuits (I can never eat only 1) to make up my 100g comparison. At barely any water (4%), my Tim Tams will have about 4X the acidifying affect as my 100g steak simply because I have had 4X the solids. However, while I'm luxuriating in the taste, I'm destroying my body's acid-alkaline balance. You see, the biscuits are mostly sugar and starch (flour), and these being highly processed ingredients stripped of minerals metabolise to pure acid, and not requiring any real chewing (which stimulates gastric acid production) fail to generate any tempering alkalising influence. Delicious, but nasty!

Changes to the acid-alkaline balance is determined by the net affect of the various metabolic and physiological impacts of the food we consume - the amount of food, the ingredients, their mineral content, the amount of organic acids produced upon digestion of that food, the amount of chewing required to get it down, and the shift in the body's fluid balance. The metabolic impact of food is entirely related to the solid components of the food. The water, regardless of the food containing it, plays no role in the acid-alkaline chemistry of your body.

On the other hand, water from whatever source external to food – tap, bottle, filter, soft drinks, tea, coffee, or any other beverage – will have an impact directly related to both the level of consumption and the stuff in the liquid. The impact of 100 ml (which is close enough to 100g) of any beverage will be in proportion to its organic (sugars, artificial sweeteners) and inorganic (minerals, gasas, food acids, buffers, etc) contents, and so because we consume a huge amount of beverage each day compared to our dry food intake (often 2-3 litres or more compared to only about 1/2-2/3kg dry food) the liquid part of our diet has the ability to determine our health – or lack of it.

Tap and bottled water usually run at pH 7 (neutral) or thereabouts, but the minerals contained within give this water a slight to significant acidogenic affect on our body. Some mineral waters are slightly alkaline with either a neutral or slightly alkalizing affect on our body. Only ALKALINE water has significantly positive affect on our health because of its strong alkalizing affect.

Please take a few minutes to check this short demo out. It may change your life!

Just before I leave this article, let me clear up one more thing in respect of how much water we should drink. The fact is, there is no "prescription", nor is there any scientific support anywhere for the old "eight 8 oz glasses" per day. The amount required depends on so, so many things, but a good minimum is 30ml/kg weight each day (and as my 11 year old put it the other day, about 100ml/year of age for kids) - more when its hot or your sweating!

Dr Les Sandles. ( with permission of Dr Sandles )

For more great information go to this web site, and get your free Alkaline Book.


Kangen Water Melbourne

Rewarding Melbourne, Australia Direct Sales Business

Welcome to my Melbourne, Australia Enagic direct sales blog. My friends sometimes ask me why I decided to sell Kangen pH water machines. I don't have a sales background and I never planned on working in direct sales.

I started drinking Enagic alkaline water some time ago and it has now become an indispensable part of my life. When you are passionate about a product and a company, you are motivated to share it with others.

I love explaining all the positive aspects of Kangen alkaline water to people in Melbourne, Australia who are looking for ways to improve their life. It is the most rewarding job I have ever had.

If you are a Kangen water drinker who is unemployed, you may want to consider becoming an independent Enagic dealer in Melbourne, Australia or wherever you live.

The start-up costs for an Enagic USA direct sales business are very affordable. After that, you invest your time. If you are currently without work, you have plenty of that.

Unlike job searches in many shrinking Victoria industries, this investment is much more likely to pay off.

Even if your dream job comes along next year, the time you invested in your Melbourne, Australia Enagic business will not have been wasted. You will be better off financially and you will have gained valuable business skills. You may choose to continue part-time as an independent Enagic dealer because the work is so enjoyable.

Call me today to learn more about a career in Enagic direct sales.

Independent Kangen Dealer Outback Marketing

61 3 90125495

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Kangen Water

Kangen Water Melbourne. Direct Sales Myths Exposed

Victoria direct selling companies are valuable organizations that benefit individual Australia entrepreneurs as well as the economy at all levels. Unfortunately, there are many myths about Melbourne. direct sales companies that have persisted for decades. If you want to learn the naked truth about the direct sales business model and how it works in Victoria, today's article is for you.

Myth #1 Most direct sellers in Australia, Worldwide and elsewhere lose money.

Fact. More than 50 percent of direct sellers (including those in Victoria) report a profit from their direct sales business.

Myth #2 Most independent distributors in Australia quit in the first year.

Fact. 78% of first-year sellers report that they plan to continue. The turnover rate for direct selling (in Australia and nationwide) is in line with the retail industry as a whole.

Myth #3 Australia direct sellers can only make money if they build their own sales organization. The profit for product sales alone is negligible.

Fact. While recruiting dealers to your sales team can increase your income, distributors in Australia and nearby communities can succeed through product sales alone.

'Top 10 Myths and Facts About Direct Selling' Direct Selling 411,, July 13, 2011

If you would like to be part of the 'business of the future' I recommend the Enagic opportunity in Australia. Enagic offers a health and wellness opportunity with some important distinctions that make it a sure bet for Melbourne. entrepreneurs.

I chose Enagic Kangen Water for my independent Melbourne residual income business because Enagic is the clear leader in alkaline water purifiers and ionizers. If you call me at 61 3 95571006, I can tell you all about their company history, proven technology, and commitment to wealth and wellness in Victoria.

If you would like to become an independent Kangen dealer in Australia or Worldwide, please contact me today!

Outback Marketing Independent Enagic Distributor

Melbourne, Victoria zip code 3000

61 3 95571006