Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Truth On Bottled water

Truth behind bottled water

Americans will spend an estimated $9.8 billion on bottled water this year1. This will create 4 billion pounds of trash, which will cost our communities $70 million to clean up. Bottled water is not safer, better tasting or more convenient than tap. So why do Americans keep reaching for more and more bottled water? Before we answer that, here in Australia we are just as bad.

Bottled water is inaccurately perceived as the healthiest water choice. We have images of clean mountain streams and bubbling springs of pure water, but the reality is that a lot of bottled water is derived from municipal water.2

The purification process removes everything from bottled water not just pollutants, leaving the water void of any nutrients and benefits that are naturally in pure water. The purified water is then placed into a plastic bottle, which may leach contaminants into your drink. The production of bottled water required approximately 1 million tons of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics in 20063. PET are petroleum-derived plastics that have been suspected of leaching hormone-disrupting chemicals into the water.4

Ounce for ounce bottled water costs more than gasoline and anywhere from 250 to 10,000 times more than tap water.

You may try to save money by having large jugs filled or delivered to your home, but beware of bacterial infection. Bacteria grow best in warm, moist places and the threaded bottle cap is often a perfect place to hide. If ingested, bacteria can cause many gastrointestinal health risks.

Is Tap Water Better?

Tap water is certainly cheaper and more convenient than buying bottled water. The main concern with tap water is the mystery of what may have trickled down the water chain and into your city's water source. There have been 315 pollutants found in America's tap water since 2004, and over half of these pollutants are completely unregulated and can legally exist in any amount.5

Are There Any Other Options?

You can trust Enagic's superior filtration to remove impurities, chemicals and residues found in municipal water. Enagic's alkaline, ionizer unit is as convenient as tap because it connects directly to your faucet and provides a continuous stream of pure, clean, Kangen Water®.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Water is Important

Water is the most important substance in the world Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis is vital to our health. Water carries nutrients to cells, helps with digestion, flushes out toxins, helps prevent headache and fatigue, and can even aid in weight loss or maintenance. Our bodies are up to 75% water, and staying well-hydrated is critical to our optimum health and survival.

Read more at: https://www.thekangenwatersystem.net/

Safe and readily available water is a basic human necessity in order to meet health and sanitation needs. However, tap water around the world has consistently been found to be subpar, "first-world" countries not excluded. According to the WHO (World Health Organization) some pretty astonishing facts about drinking global water are:1 Around the world, at least 1.8 billion people utilize a drinking water source contaminated with faecal matter. Contaminated water can transmit diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid and polio. Contaminated drinking water is estimated to cause 502,000 diarrheal deaths each year. By 2025, half of the world's population will be living in water-stressed areas. In low and middle income countries, 38% of health care facilities lack any water source, 19% do not have improved sanitation, and 35% lack water and soap for hand washing. We're not trying to say that our Enagic® machine will solve all of the world's water problems. However, we do advise that you have your own water analysed to get a better idea. At that point, you can be proactive about filtering your source water, then ionizing it to achieve the healthiest water on the planet! Think about what you drink!

Read more at: https://www.thekangenwatersystemwww.net

A friend of mine called the other day and said he could buy a Enagic machine, used from Gumtree or Ebay for a much lesser price.

He said what should I do ??  I said go ahead and buy it.  He was shocked !!!  I said you will not have a warranty from the company, a distributor number, or any assistance from me.

You don't know what your buying. I heard of one person spent thousands of dollars and when he got his delivery, it was a box of rocks.

People everywhere try to scam us.   If I can help you, I will, however I will not tolerate people trying to rip off people posing that they are from Enagic etc etc.

Go to our web sits and get your FREE E Book, then email me and I will answer any questions

Its an investment in your health to buy a kangen Water machine

Let us service you....

Till next time take care.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Kangen Water Melbourne.

Truth behind bottled water

Americans and Australians will spend an estimated $9.8 billion on bottled water this year1. This will create 4 billion pounds of trash, which will cost our communities $70 million to clean up. Bottled water is not safer, better tasting or more convenient than tap. So why do Americans keep reaching for more and more bottled water?
Bottled water is inaccurately perceived as the healthiest water choice. We have images of clean mountain streams and bubbling springs of pure water, but the reality is that a lot of bottled water is derived from municipal water.2
The purification process removes everything from bottled water not just pollutants, leaving the water void of any nutrients and benefits that are naturally in pure water. The purified water is then placed into a plastic bottle, which may leach contaminants into your drink. The production of bottled water required approximately 1 million tons of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics in 20063. PET are petroleum-derived plastics that have been suspected of leaching hormone-disrupting chemicals into the water.4

Ounce for ounce bottled water costs more than gasoline and anywhere from 250 to 10,000 times more than tap water.

You may try to save money by having large jugs filled or delivered to your home, but beware of bacterial infection. Bacteria grow best in warm, moist places and the threaded bottle cap is often a perfect place to hide. If ingested, bacteria can cause many gastrointestinal health risks.

Is Tap Water Better?

Tap water is certainly cheaper and more convenient than buying bottled water. The main concern with tap water is the mystery of what may have trickled down the water chain and into your city's water source. There have been 315 pollutants found in America's tap water since 2004, and over half of these pollutants are completely unregulated and can legally exist in any amount.5

Are There Any Other Options?

Kangen Water
You can trust Enagic's superior filtration to remove impurities, chemicals and residues found in municipal water. Enagic's alkaline, ionizer unit is as convenient as tap because it connects directly to your faucet and provides a continuous stream of pure, clean, Kangen Water®.
I'd like to offer you a no obligation free session on Kangen water, kangen water supplied at the time, and water to take home to the family.
If you are here on my site, I know you are looking because someone in your family has a challenge. call or contact us so we can assist.

Get your FREE Alkaline E Book here....        Click Here


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Kangen Water Stay Hydrated

Be Smart - Stay Hydrated!

Water is not simply healthy for your body, it is absolutely essential! The human body can survive weeks without food, but only a few days without water. Every major system in your body depends on water to function. This is not surprising, given that approximately two thirds of your body is water.
Since the amount of water needed varies from person to person, it is important to understand how water works in your body. Where you live, how much you exercise, and your overall health all play a role in your water consumption needs. You should drink about 8 to 10 cups of water every day, but most people need more than the minimum requirement.1 Learning to listen to your body and understanding what water can do for you will ensure that your body receives what it needs to be healthy.
Water plays a critical role in regulating the body temperature and carrying nutrients throughout your body. Water needs to be continuously replaced since, on average, one cup is lost on a daily basis through breathing alone! You'll lose another nine cups through sweat, urine, and other normal functions. Drinking the right amount of water will prevent your body from unnecessary dehydration. Even minor dehydration can lead to difficult health problems.

Try Kangen Water®!

When you're trying to stay hydrated, trust Kangen Water®! There is nothing that supports overall health like good, alkaline water. Unfortunately, our modern diets have made us dependent on the taste of soda, tea, coffee, or juices. It is vital that you give your body what is really needs to thrive - Healthy Water! It is acceptable to drink tea or coffee in moderation, and next time you do, try brewing it with Kangen Water®! Just keep in mind that these drinks are diuretics, so excessive consumption can dehydrate you. You can be proud knowing that you are giving your body the best by drinking only Kangen Water®.

Transitioning to Kangen Water®

Start slowly with Kangen
Begin your transition to Kangen Water® slowly, especially if your current diet consists of many acidic or sugary liquids. You will want to begin your day by drinking some Kangen Water® half an hour before breakfast. It's a great way to start the day!
* If you have kidney disease, congestive heart disease or use a diuretic, consult with your doctor or health care professional before increasing your water intake. *

Can this kangen water make a difference ??  Hard to believe right ??  Well he's the thing, if you don't know about something in Japan, you just don't know right !!
It took man 5 years to finally believe that man could fly via an aeroplane. True story !!!

I invite you to get Your FREE Alkaline E Book.        Click Here

Let our family help Your family 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Kangen Water Vs Bottled water

Bottled Water

Bottled water is not necessarily healthier than tap water and yet it costs much more! Although associated with healthy water, bottled water is not guaranteed to be any healthier than tap water. Often the only difference is the added minerals which have no proven health benefits.
A four-year study by the Natural Resources Defense Council shows that 1/3 of the bottled water tested contains levels of contamination which exceed allowable limits. Bottled water can also be slightly acidic, which may affect your body's pH balance. Finally, the environmental impact caused by the production and disposal of plastic bottles is harmful to our ecosystem. 
You know when we found out that bottle water could as much as 6 to 12 months in the bottle before it gets to the shops we were shocked. We thought that the bottle water was better. How wrong were we. After seeing Enagic, and kangen water we knew we were on to something BIG !!!   I mean big, that can help millions of people.
So far we have helped  thousands of people with kangen water here in Australia and also overseas.
Why do we do it ?
         Two reasons,          
1. Health Benefits.   2. Financial Benefits.

If you want to get great info, go to our web site...

Let our family help Your Family.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

About Kangen Water Melbourne.

About Kangen Water®

Kangen Water® is delicious water created from Enagic's innovative water technology. Not only do these devices filter your tap water, but they also produce ionized alkaline and acidic waters through electrolysis. These waters can be used for various purposes, including drinking, cooking, beauty, and cleaning.

Problems With Commonly Used Waters

Tap Water

Tap water is a healthier option than soft drinks. But according to recent investigations, there have been 315 pollutants found in America's tap water since 2004, and over half of these pollutants are completely unregulated and can legally exist in any amount.
At the current levels of contamination, the public is starting to question the quality of tap water and wonders if it is safe enough to drink. Based on these facts, it's no wonder that the demand for Kangen Water® is constantly increasing.

Let our family Help your Family.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Kangen Water Australia.

Your Body Is Water

Drinking water every day is crucial to maintaining good health. Our bodies are comprised of almost 70% water. Many of the beverages we choose to drink instead of water come with "extras" that our bodies don't need, such as sugar and caffeine. These beverages give us a temporary boost, but their corrosive acid levels are detrimental to our health, don't satisfy our thirst, and make us feel fatigued and dehydrated. Such bad habits take a toll on our health, our energy, and our overall happiness.
Water is the key to maintaining good health and hydration. Unfortunately, the world's water is polluted with agricultural run-off, sewage, and other toxic agents that compromise our health. Kangen Water® has a clean, pure taste, without losing any of the important minerals that are normally lost in bottled and filtered water.
Kangen Water® also has the ability to properly hydrate the body while creating a positive alkaline environment.
With its hydration and good taste, Kangen Water® is the promise for good health that you have been waiting for! What could be more important? After all, your body is water.
You know since we started drinking this Kangen Water 7 years ago we have been able to help thousands of people.
If you are truly serious about learning more get in touch. 
If your shopping on price, don't call us, buy one of the copy machines from Korea.
Sounds harsh, buy unfortunately people think cheaper is better, maybe if your buying something else, but not for the best water to put into your body.
Let our family help your family !

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Kangen Water Cleanse

     Cleanse Your Mind

Did you know that taking time to cleanse your mind is beneficial for you both physically and mentally? Many people understand the importance of clearing your body of toxins but are unaware of the benefits of dedicating time to cleanse your mind.
Our bodies are full of toxins and waste that get trapped as a result of chronic dehydration. When you don't drink enough water to fulfill your intake needs, at least 8 cups a day, your body falls into a state of dehydration. When this happens every day, endlessly, you develop chronic dehydration. Most people have become so accustomed to the feelings and symptoms of dehydration that they accept headaches, neck strain and general fatigue as normal and inescapable.
When your body is dehydrated, your mental clarity, focus and even brain function are affected1. There are many cleansing programs, but truly the healthiest, safest form is pure, healthy water. Your body has the innate ability to flush out unnecessary toxins and waste. Unfortunately, the majority of people don't give their body what it needs to perform. Highly acidic diets, full of fatty foods and poor water choices, impede the body's performance.
  • Bottled water lacks additional beneficial nutrients, and is largely unregulated.2 Nearly 1/3 of all bottled water contains levels of contamination that exceed allowable limits3.
  • Tap water is more heavily regulated than bottled, but may contain high levels of chlorine and other contaminants4.
Poor water choices may inhibit your goal of cleansing your mind and body. You can trust Enagic's unique filtering process to provide pure, healthy, great-tasting Kangen Water® to provide for your hydration. Staying hydrated with adequate amounts of clean water can help your body.
Being properly hydrated with a clean body can lead to clarity of mind5, increased energy, and a body which can function with optimal health.

Stress, worry and anxiety are all forms of mental toxins. It is important to take time each day to clear your mind and rid yourself of a build up of these toxic wastes.

Start with the following:
Take a walk!
  • Escape from information overload. Turn off your radio, TV, cell phone and other forms of communication. Make an effort to get away from it all.
  • Find a quiet place to sit and meditate or just breathe in peace. You may even try to close your eyes and focus on the quiet. With a relaxed state of mind focus on allowing positive thoughts in and keeping negative thoughts out.
  • After you have calmed yourself, go for a brisk walk, bike ride or run. Bring extra Kangen Water® to keep hydrated during exercise. Taking in the fresh air and cool Kangen Water® will have a natural soothing effect.
Often we are encouraged to stay strong and just "get over it" or move on, when negative events come up in life. This lifestyle can only last for a brief time before you develop chronic stress. Taking the time to cleanse your mind and body will allow you to enter life with higher clarity of mind and a healthier body.
I'd like to share more in formation with you. No doubt you have been searching the internet and going to different sites right !!   It becomes confusing and the knock off machine to Enagic all say they are just as good as us.
Well folks if you believe everything you read on the net, I've got a bridge to sell you. It goes over Sydney Harbor and you can have it for $10.
You see getting ripped off is a pet hate of ours and that's why we will look after you now and 5 years down the track.

5http://www.medicinenet.com/dehydration/page4.htm, http://wellnessgeneration.org/2008/07/25/effects-of-dehydration/

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Kangen Water Melbourne

Kangen Water

Your anti-oxidant, anti-aging miracle

Kangen water is a specially filtered, ionized water which produces water that is: microclustered, anti-oxidant rich, and alkaline.
The benefits of this water are many and vast and we have witnessed the change it can make in peoples lives. If you are have a highly oxidized body, your cells become acidic and cannot release metabolic toxins, thus you are going to be a toxic person and will have trouble enjoying your life in any fashion. This water is one of a few methods, and definitely one of the easier ones, that you can undertake to change your body chemistry. 

We recommend all of our clients start a 10 day water trial. You will notice subtle changes over time including:

  • reduced bloating,
  • reduced joint pain,
  • easier bowel movements,
  • improved mental clarity,
  • improved hydration,
  • and many many more.
There are a variety of other uses for the kangen water which we can share with you.
These include but are not limited to:
  • eye and ear problems,
  • gout,
  • joint issues,
  • infections,
  • rashes,
  • acne,
  • and many more.
The water is provided free of charge for a limited time. The water machine is available for purchase as well for you to incorporate into your life in a more meaningful and direct way.
As always get in touch if you would like to try our FREE 10day trial.    www.thekangenwatersystem.net

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Kangen Water, The Real Deal.

Kangen Water

Kangen Water® is Ionized Alkaline Water
that you can enjoy in your home.

Change Your Water – Change Your Life™ is a slogan used by Enagic® in its global business that revolutionizes the way to think about your body and your life. 
For over forty years Enagic® has proudly stood behind Kangen Water® and the overall wellness for your body, mind and finances. Enagic® originated in Tokyo, Japan in June, 1974. 
Today, Enagic® has sold more than 500,000 water ionizers in Japan and worldwide. The technology is cutting-edge. How do we know, well we are 100% dedicated distributors and have traveled to japan to see the factory and meet the owners of Enagic.
It is the machine you have been looking for. With Kangen Water®, you get alkaline, antioxidant healthy water. Enagic® is at the forefront of the health and wellness revolution and the health benefits are amazing!
 We will show you and teach you everything you need to know, and enjoying your life in good health.

The benefits are amazing and now Kangen Water® is available
in Melbourne and Australia Wide.
We give 100% service and back up. Unfortunately many other people can't and do not offer that.